We have designed and constructed a primary thermometry system for operation
from 4.2 K to temperatures well below 0.65 K, the bottom of the Internatio
nal Temperature Scale (ITS-90), The system is composed of a thin-film resis
tive-SQUID (R-SQUID) and a de SQUID readout amplifier fully integrated on a
single chip. We have fabricated our SQUIDs using Ti/Pd/Au shunt resistors,
which remain normal conductive down to mK temperatures. Thermal and electr
ical constraints demand that the readout amplifier to the R-SQUID have a lo
w system noise. We used a de SQUID series array in a direct readout Bur-loc
ked loop scheme to achieve a system bandwidth in excess of 1 MHz with a whi
te noise level less than 1 mu Phi(0)/ root Hz.