The current-voltage characteristics of the niobium - aluminum oxide - niobi
um tunnel junctions have been studied systematically and are compared with
numerical simulations based on the microscopic theory of the proximity effe
ct. The thickness of the base niobium layer is varied from 35 to 500 mn whi
le the thickness of the aluminum layer is kept constant (about 9 mm). In a
separate series of experiments the aluminum thickness is varied from 2 to 3
0 mn for two fixed thickness of the base electrode: 50 and 200 mn. The appr
opriate conditions for a full suppression of the so called "knee" structure
at the gap voltage in the current-voltage characteristic are experimentall
y determined and theoretically interpreted in the framework of the microsco
pic theory. The influence of the additional aluminum layer in a composite b
ase electrode on the properties of the tunnel junction have been studied in
dependence on the aluminum thickness and distance of this layer from the b
arrier. The obtained results demonstrate that the current-voltage character
istics of tunnel junction can be engineering by an appropriate layer thickn
ess of compound base electrode.