Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta whiskers are single crystals with highly regular surfac
es and few extended defects, making them excellent model systems for studyi
ng the role of surfaces in magnetization, Furthermore, they can be elastica
lly bent without losing their superconducting properties, making them poten
tially important technological materials,,ve have made a detailed investiga
tion of their magnetic properties using miclonsized Hall probe arrays and s
how that surface effects play a dominant role in controlling the vortex dyn
amics, particularly in the moderate to high temperature regime. Local magne
tic induction cycles exhibit the asymmetric behaviour characteristic of sur
face barriers and when the whiskers are slowly field cooled, sharp jumps ar
e observed, The systematic behaviour of these jumps leads us to speculate t
hat they represent sudden configurational rearrangements as a result of the
interplay between vortex-surface barrier and vortex-vortex interactions.