3The stability of magnet conductors can be characterized by their Minimum Q
uench Energies (MQE), i.e. the minimum energy pulse of small extent and sho
rt duration needed to initiate a quench. The MQE of a considerable number o
f prototype strands for the superconducting LHC magnets have been measured
at BNL within the framework of the US-CERN accelerator collaboration. The m
ain interest of this work was to study the effect of different strand desig
ns, copper to superconductor ratios (Cu/Sc) and the source of the niobium-t
itanium alloy on MQE. Although MQE varied significantly between the strands
, the measurements revealed that except for Cu/Sc ratio, these above stated
parameters do not affect MQE in a consistent way. Numerical simulations in
dicate, that these tests made with a restricted helium volume and heat exch
ange surface were quasi-adiabatic in nature, and hence the influence of the
cooling even in superfluid helium was minimal.