During the past decade, satellite remote sensing has become a powerful
tool in the U.S. Navy's efforts to characterize the ocean environment
in support of military operations. The Fleet Numerical Meteorology an
d Oceanography Center (Fleet Numerical) and the Naval Oceanographic Of
fice (NAVOCEANO), are the Navy's central sites for the receipt and pro
cessing of satellite data for meteorological and oceanographic (METOC)
applications. METOC officers at regional centers, detachments, and af
loat also receive and exploit a variety of satellite data. In this pap
er, we discuss the use of satellite data for oceanographic analysis an
d prediction. A wide variety of satellite-borne sensors are exploited,
including foreign/civilian, visible/infrared/microwave, and passive/a
ctive. Products from these sensors cove horizontal spatial scales, ran
ging from global (e.g., sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) from the Advan
ced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)) to local (e.g., near-shor
e bottom features from Landsat Thematic Mapper); encompass the vertica
l spatial range of sea surface, water column, and bottom features (e.g
., altimetry-derived products); and characterize temporal scales, rang
ing from seasonal (e.g., optical climatologies from Coastal Zone Color
Scanner (CZCS) imagery) to real time (e.g., ocean surface winds from
the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I)). We provide an overview o
f the sensors utilized, ground segment processing flows, products gene
rated, and the oceanographic applications supported by satellite remot
e sensing at the Navy's central sites and on scene.