With ecological globalization, environmental degradation has become a pheno
menon capable of accentuating not only the sources of spatial and temporal
conflicts, but also inter- and intragenerational inequities. In this contex
t, it seems important, first of all, to explain the ways in which the takin
g into account of inter-generational equity in our societies' decisions con
stitutes a new challenge posing unresolved questions for decisionmakers. Se
condly, we see that the implementation of effective policies for sustainabl
e development (that is, taking real account of the long-term and of equity
concerns), requires the development of new perspectives and practices in sc
ience and of new "governance" institutions capable of responding to these n
ew challenges. Thirdly, we show that these changes imply, for economic anal
ysis and the advice that can be offered by economists, a shift from a subst
antive rationality perspective towards a procedural rationality. This latte
r encourages the development of new analysis and decision support tools bas
ed on a wider sharing of information and efforts at reconciling different p
erspectives in the assessment of risks and equity concerns. This new ration
ality will be expressed as a process of debate and dialogue taking place co
ntinuously in all phases of the policy process.