The amount/distribution of liver melanin in 3 amphibian species (Rana escul
enta, Triturus a. apuanus, Triturus carnifex) was studied during 2 periods
of the annual cycle (summer activity-winter hibernation) by light and elect
ron microscopy, image analysis and microspectrofluorometry. The increase in
liver pigmentation (melanin content) during winter appeared to be correlat
ed with morphological and functional modifications in the hepatocytes, whic
h at this period were characterised by a decrease in metabolic activity. Th
ese findings were interpreted according to the functional role (e.g. phagoc
ytosis, cytotoxic substance inactivation) played by the pigment cell compon
ent in the general physiology of the heterothermic vertebrate liver and, in
particular, in relation to a compensatory engagement of these cells agains
t hepatocellular hypoactivity during the winter period.