Fragile-X syndrome is the commonest cause of inherited intellectual disabil
ity. There is good evidence for a behavioural phenotype. This has implicati
ons for school staff using standard educational techniques. Similarly, auti
sm is known to create particular educational requirements. The present stud
y examined the awareness and knowledge of fragile-X syndrome, Down's syndro
me and autism amongst staff in special and mainstream education. One hundre
d and two special school staff and 40 mainstream school staff completed que
stionnaires. Most staff offered a variety of features 'typical' of Down's s
yndrome and autism. In contrast, staff knew less about fragile-X syndrome.
Specific knowledge about the learning styles of these children was very poo
r, but was associated with having aught an affected child. Mainstream and s
pecial school staff offered similar levels of knowledge for all three condi
tions. Staff did not demonstrate a sufficiently specialized knowledge of fr
agile-X syndrome to ensure that the special educational needs of these chil
dren were being met fully.