Drift of the eyes after saccades produces motion of images on the retina (r
etinal slip) that degrades visual acuity. In this study, we examined the co
ntributions of proprioceptive and retinal afference to the suppression of p
ostsaccadic drift induced by a unilateral ocular muscle paresis. Eye moveme
nts were recorded in three rhesus monkeys with a unilateral weakness of one
vertical extraocular muscle before and after proprioceptive deafferentatio
n of the paretic eye. Postsaccadic drift was examined in four visual states
: monocular viewing with the normal eye (4-wk period), binocular viewing (2
-wk period): binocular viewing with a disparity-reducing prism (2-wk period
); and monocular viewing with the paretic eye (2-wk period). The muscle par
esis produced vertical postsaccadic drift in the paretic eye, and this drif
t was suppressed in the binocular viewing condition even when the animals c
ould not fuse. When the animals viewed binocularly with a disparity-reducin
g prism, the drift in the paretic eye was suppressed in two monkeys (with s
uperior oblique pareses) but generally was enhance in one animal (with a te
notomy of the inferior rectus). When drift movements were enhanced, they re
duced the retinal disparity that was present at the end of the saccade. In
the paretic-eye-viewing condition, postsaccadic drift was suppressed in the
paretic eye and was induced in the normal eye. After deafferentation in th
e normal-eye-viewing state, there was a change in the vertical postsaccadic
drift of the paretic eye. This change in drift was idiosyncratic and varia
bly affected the amplitude and velocity of the postsaccadic drift movements
of the paretic eye. Deafferentation of the paretic eye did not affect the
postsaccadic drift of the normal eye nor did it impair visually mediated ad
aptation of postsaccadic drift. The results demonstrate several new finding
s concerning the roles of visual and proprioceptive afference in the contro
l of postsaccadic drift: disconjugate adaptation of postsaccadic drift does
not require binocular fusion; sloe, postsaccadic drift movements that redu
ce retinal disparity but concurrently increase retinal slip can be induced
in the binocular viewing state; postsaccadic drift is modified by proprioce
ption from the extraocular muscles, but these modifications do not serve to
minimize retinal slip or to correct errors in saccade amplitude; and visua
lly mediated adaptation of postsaccadic drift does not require propriocepti
ve afference from the paretic eye.