The development of normal joints depends on mechanical function in utero. E
xperimental studies have shown that the normal surface topography of diarth
rodial joints fails to form in paralyzed embryos. We implemented a mathemat
ical model for joint morphogenesis that explores the hypothesis that the st
ress distribution created in a functional joint may modulate the growth of
the cartilage anlagen and lead to the development of congruent articular su
rfaces. We simulated the morphogenesis of a human finger joint (proximal in
terphalangeal joint) between days 55 and 70 of fetal life. A baseline biolo
gical growth rate was defined to account for the intrinsic biological influ
ences an the growth of the articulating ends of the anlagen. We assumed thi
s rate to be proportional to the chondrocyte density in the growing tissue.
Cyclic hydrostatic stress caused by joint motion was assumed to modulate t
he baseline biological growth, with compression slowing it and tension acce
lerating it. Changes in the overall shape of the joint resulted from spatia
l differences in growth rates throughout the developing chondroepiphyses. W
hen only baseline biological growth was included, the two epiphyses increas
ed in size but retained convex incongruent joint surfaces. The inclusion of
mechanobiological-based growth modulation in the chondroepiphyses led to o
ne convex joint surface, which articulated with a locally concave surface.
The articular surfaces became more congruent, and the anlagen exhibited an
asymmetric sagittal profile similar to that observed in adult phalangeal bo
nes. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that mechanobiologica
l influences associated with normal function play an important role in the
regulation of joint morphogenesis.