The strong coupling expansion coefficients for the ordinary and renormalize
d energies of the ground and first excited states of the quartic, sextic, o
ctic and decadic anharmonic oscillators with the Hamiltonian H = p(2) + x(2
) + beta x(2m), m = 2, 3, 4, 5 are computed. The expansion coefficients are
also computed for higher excited states of the quartic oscillator. The lar
ge-order behaviour of the coefficients, the radii of convergence of the ser
ies and the summation rules for the coefficients are discussed. It is shown
that, in contrast to the divergent weak coupling expansions, the renormali
zed strong coupling perturbation wavefunctions have simple form and straigh
tforward physical interpretation. Finally, both the strong coupling perturb
ation approaches are compared.