We present measurements of Thermoluminescence (TL) from Greek marble quarri
ed at Paros, Naxos, Pendeli, Hymitos, Thassos, which have been known since
ancient times. The results concern i) the solar bleaching of TL, ii) the so
lar transmission through marble thicknesses up to 16 mm, and iii) the impli
cations for potential dating of ancient carved marble monuments/objects. Th
e bleaching rate for marbles is very fast during the first hour of exposure
. The solar penetration is at least 35 mm for long exposures. Beyond the 2
mm marble slab for exposure times 90-120 hours of sunshine, the residual bl
eached TL level is not reached. The bleached TL reaches a plateau which ser
ves as the "zero time" upon which the archaeological TL dose subsequently b
uilds up and gives the age of a marble monument.