The cutaneous metaplastic synovial cyst is a recently described lesion that
characteristically presents as a solitary, tender subcutaneous nodule. On
histopathologic examination, the lesion is characterized by a cystic struct
ure with villous-like projections and a lining resembling hyperlastic synov
ium. The cause of cutaneous metaplastic synovial cysts is unclear, but trau
ma is presumed to be a precipitating factor, as most reported cases have a
history of antecedent cutaneous injury, Here we present a case of multiple,
bilateral cutaneous metaplastic synovial cysts in a 72-year-old white man
with rheumatoid arthritis. This is the first reported case of a patient wit
h multiple lesions. The characteristic clinical and pathologic features of
this lesion, along with proposed cause, are reviewed herein.