This article discusses the development, delivery and evaluation of an elect
ronic extramural course, 'Fundamentals of Clinical Trials', a CME course de
signed to reach physicians and health care researchers without easy access
to a local university. Ten week-long modules of instruction were developed.
These were based on a graduate course in clinical trials, standard textboo
k topics and additional course materials specifically developed for the cou
rse. Questions and course topics were to be discussed by the students, and
each participant was encouraged to present an actual or proposed clinical t
rial to the virtual class. Communication between students and tutors could
be either 'one to one' or through a listserve, i.e. an automated mailing li
st available to all participants which copied and routed any message instan
tly to all participants. Ongoing evaluation of the course was accomplished
by questions monitoring students' attitudes and needs, and a more extensive
on-line questionnaire administered at the end of the course. Ten students
from four countries were accepted onto the course. Half of the students con
tributed regularly and extensively, while the others tended to respond only
when addressed directly. The students spent on average approximately 6 hou
rs per week on the course. This differed little from regular classroom cour
ses, but the students appreciated the ability to organize the course around
their regular schedules. The students preferred topics that encouraged dis
cussion and differing opinions. From the instructors' viewpoint, considerab
le time was required for course development and communication. This form of
distance continuing medical education was preferred by all the students ov
er regular correspondence courses, as it allowed for more immediacy and int
eraction. However, the time required for developing and reaching courses ov
er the Internet should nor be underestimated.