Partial nasal obstruction in preterm and term infants increases airway resi
stance. It may reduce ventilation and cause disturbances of respiratory reg
ulation. Although this is well established, nasogastric tubes are commonly
used, because orogastric tubes are difficult to secure. A new technique for
fixing orogastric tubes was tested in a prospective study in 11 preterm an
d term infants over a 4 weeks period. There was no preterm dislocation of a
n oral tube in 7 patients. The orogastric tube had to be reinserted once be
fore regular change in 3 patients and only 1 patiend aged 15 weeks presente
d with multiple dislocations of the tube. On the basis of a 3 days period f
or regular change of the orogastric tube the reliability of this new techni
que was 86,2% for all patients and 92,5% for patients below 8 weeks of age.
Conclusion:The new technique for securing orogastric tubes seems to be rel
iable in preterm infants before the age of 8 weeks.