There has been considerable interest in the structure of liquid water at lo
w temperatures and high pressure following the discovery of the high-densit
y amorphous (HDA) phase of ice I-h (ref. 1). HDA ice forms at a pressure cl
ose to the extrapolated melting curve of ice, leading to the suggestion tha
t it may have structure similar to that of dense water. On annealing, HDA i
ce transforms into a low-density amorphous (LDA) phase with a distinct phas
e boundary(2,3). Extrapolation of thermodynamic data along the HDA-LDA coex
istence line into the liquid region has led to the hypothesis that there mi
ght exist a second critical point for water and the speculation that liquid
water is mixture of two distinct structures with different densities(4,5).
Here we critically examine this hypothesis. We use quasi-harmonic lattice-
dynamics calculations to show that the amorphization mechanism in ice I-h c
hanges from thermodynamic melting for T > 162 K to mechanical melting at lo
wer temperatures. The vibrational spectra of ice I-h, LDA ice and quenched
water also indicate a structure for LDA ice that differs from that of the l
iquid. These results call into question the validity of there being a therm
odynamic connection between the amorphous and liquid phases of water.