Increased function of the central neurons results in increased neuronal met
abolism and, as a consequence, increased concentration of,metabolic end-pro
ducts (H+,K+, adenosin) results in an increased cerebral blood flow (CBF).
There is a general agreement among investigators that products of cerebral
tissue Metabolism as well as chemical stimuli are key factors that determin
e the rate of blood flow in the brain. CBF, however, may increase out of pr
oportion to metabolic demands, may increase without significant change in l
ocal metabolism, and may increase much faster than the accumulation of the
metabolic end-products. Therefore, the 100-year-old metabolic hypothesis of
Roy and Sherrington, cannot fully explain the increases of CBF during incr
eased functional activity of the central neurons. The tight coupling of neu
ronal activity and blood flow in the brain is demonstrated by a large amoun
t of data. Therefore, the likelihood exists that neurogenic stimuli via per
ivascular nerve endings may act as rapid initiators, to induce a moment-to-
moment dynamic adjustment of CBF to the metabolic demands, and further main
tenance of these adjusted parameters is ensured by the metabolic and chemic
al factors. Perivascular nerve endings were identified in the outer smooth
muscle layer of the cerebral arteries, arterioles and veins. Their axonterm
inals contain a large variety of neurotransmitters, often co-localised in s
ynaptic vesicles. Stimulation of the nerves results in a release of transmi
tters into the narrow neuromuscular synaptic clefts in the cerebrovascular
smooth muscle, close to specific receptor sites in the vessel wall. In spit
e of these facts, however, and in spite of the large number of new experime
ntal evidences, the role of the nervous control of the cerebrovascular syst
em is underestimated both in medical textbooks and in the common medical kn
owledge since decades. In the last 20 years major advances have been made t
hat make it necessary to revise this false view. The purpose of this review
is to facilitate this process at the end of this century, when the importa
nce of the nervous control of the cerebral circulation has been fully appre
ciated among investigators. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reser