This study explored reflectance indices sampled with a 'leaf reflectometer'
as measures of pigment content for leaves of contrasting light history, de
velopmental stage and functional type (herbaceous annual versus sclerophyll
ous evergreen). We employed three reflectance indices: a modified normalize
d difference vegetation index (NDVI), an index of chlorophyll content; the
red/green reflectance ratio (R-RED:R-GREEN), an index of anthocyanin conten
t; and the change in photochemical reflectance index upon dark-light conver
sions (Delta PRI), an index of xanthophyll cycle pigment activity. In Helia
nthus annuus (sunflower), xanthophyll cycle pigment amounts were linearly r
elated to growth light environment; leaves in full sun contained approximat
ely twice the amount of xanthophyll cycle pigments as leaves in deep shade,
and at midday a larger proportion of these pigments were in the photoprote
ctive, de-epoxidized forms relative to shade leaves. Reflectance indices al
so revealed contrasting patterns of pigment development in leaves of contra
sting structural types (annual versus evergreen). In H. annuus sun leaves,
there was a remarkably rapid increase in amounts of both chlorophyll and xa
nthophyll cycle pigments along a leaf developmental sequence. This pattern
contrasted with that of Quercus agrifolia (coast live oak, a sclerophyllous
evergreen), which exhibited a gradual development of both chlorophyll and
xanthophyll cycle pigments along with a pronounced peak of anthocyanin pigm
ent content in newly expanding leaves. These temporal patterns of pigment d
evelopment in Q. agrifolia leaves suggest that anthocyanins and xanthophyll
cycle pigments serve complementary photoprotective roles during early leaf
development. The results illustrate the use of reflectance indices for dis
tinguishing divergent patterns of pigment activity in leaves of contrasting
light history and functional type.