A molecular biological test was elaborated to determine the frost resistanc
e of wheat and barley varieties. The method was based on detailed examinati
ons on the effect of low temperature on the maturing process of cytoplasmic
ribosomal ribonucleic acids (crRNA) in wheat and barley genotypes with dif
ferent degrees of frost resistance. Preliminary results indicate that, of t
he precursors (pre-crRNAs) involved in the crRNA maturing process, the accu
mulation of the precursor with a molecular mass of 1.4 million daltons (MD)
exhibited a negative correlation with the frost resistance of the wheat an
d barley genotypes examined, as characterised by the LT50 values. In elabor
ating the test, wheat and barley varieties, wheat lines and chromosome subs
titution lines with different degrees of frost tolerance were tested. The 1
.4 MD crRNA precursor was demonstrated by means of (H3PO4)-P-32 labelling a
nd separated using polyaclylamide gel electrophoresis, while the liquid sci
ntillation technique was used to measure radioactivity.