A fast iterative procedure is developed to determine potentials by inv
ersion from elastic cross section, analysing powers and reaction cross
-section measurements covering a wide energy range. The procedure inco
rporates both energy and parity dependence. The method is applied to e
xtensive p + O-16 scattering data for an energy range from 27.3 to 46.
1 MeV, giving a solution which simultaneously reproduces the data at a
ll energies. The wide angle data is well reproduced by including parit
y dependence and a linear energy dependence is established for the rea
l potential, including the parity-dependent component. The real terms
agree qualitatively with potentials derived from the single channel RG
M, but the central and spin-orbit imaginary components have distinct f
eatures strongly suggestive of further non-local contributions, possib
ly arising from channel coupling. The large data set is found essentia
l to reduce the potential ambiguities present when fitting scattering
data. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.