By the principle of using sufficiently the delayed information and based on
the technique of successively accelerated overrelaxation (AOR), we set up
a class of asynchronous multisplitting blockwise relaxation methods for sol
ving the large sparse blocked system of linear equations, which comes from
the discretizations of many differential equations. These new methods are e
fficient blockwise variants of the asynchronous parallel matrix multisplitt
ing relaxed iterations discussed by Bai et al. (Parallel Computing 21 (1995
) 565-582), and they are very smart for implementations on the MIMD multipr
ocessor systems. Under reasonable restrictions on the relaxation parameters
as well as the multiple splittings, we establish the convergence theories
of this class of new methods when the coefficient matrices of the blocked s
ystems of linear equations are block H-matrices of different types. A lot o
f numerical experiments show that our new methods are applicable and effici
ent, and have better numerical behaviours than their pointwise alternatives
investigated by Bai et al. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reser