Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is the most common cause of death fr
om heart disease in the first week of life. There are reports about familia
l concordance by presumed morphogenetic mechanisms of abnormal embryonic bl
ood flow with phenotypes of varying severity. The risk of having a child wi
th a left heart lesion after a previously affected child may be as high as
5% to 12%. We present case reports from four families in which sustained fe
tal arrhythmia (three ectopic atrial tachycardias and one severe bradycardi
a due to excessive ectopic atrial beats) was demonstrated. Within these fou
r families a close relative of the mother (a previous child, a brother, or
a nephew) had severe left heart abnormality (three with HLHS and one with s
evere aortic valve stenosis). The association of sustained fetal arrhythmia
of ectopic atrial origin and severe left heart abnormalities could be expe
cted to occur by chance in a very low percentage of cases. We conclude that
sustained fetal atrial ectopic arrhythmia is a congenital abnormality and
should be considered as a risk factor for inherited congenital heart abnorm