Sixty-three children out of a total of 199 patients seen with cutaneous tub
erculosis during a 7-year period were included in this study. Culture was p
ositive in only four, and the diagnosis was based on clinical examination,
tuberculin reaction, histopathology, and response to antitubercular therapy
. Forty had lupus vulgaris (LV) and 23 scrofuloderma (SD). The lower half o
f the body was predominantly affected in those with LV, and keratotic and h
ypertrophic forms were frequently encountered. LV planus mainly affected th
e face. Ulcerative and atrophic types of LV were infrequent. Extensive lesi
ons in three children led to disfiguring scars and contractures. Scrofulode
rma often involved the cervical group of lymph nodes followed by the inguin
al, submandibular, and axillary groups. As compared to skin tuberculosis in
adults, regional lymph node involvement in LV was more common, and a combi
nation of both LV and SD was less frequent in children. No difference in cl
inical presentation could be detected between the BCG vaccinated and unvacc
inated children. Tuberculous infection either in the lungs or the bones was
present in eight children. An HIV test done in five patients with widespre
ad lesions was negative. Irregular therapy or late diagnosis leading to ser
ious complications, inadequate parental or community support, and lack of a
wareness among practitioners are the problems to be remedied.