Knowledge of the genes in gymnosperms encoding the apoproteins of the plant
photoreceptor phytochrome is currently scanty as for gymnosperm nuclear pr
otein coding sequences in general. Here we report two complete cDNA-derived
sequences which code for two different types of gymnosperm phytochrome. On
e sequence stems from Norway spruce (Picea abies) and the other from Scots
pine (Pinus sylvestris). More detailed studies have shown that both types o
f phytochrome gene are present in Norway spruce. From phylogenetic analyses
, these types appear to branch off from progenitors that are also the commo
n ancestors of the angiosperm PHYA/PHYC and PHYB/PHYD/PHYE lineages. Partia
l phytochrome sequences of other gymnosperms cluster with either the one ty
pe or the other of the gymnosperm phytochrome genes characterized here. Sou
thern blot analysis of Picea DNA using probes derived from the full-length
Picea gene indicated a family of at least five members. Whether they code f
or new types may be doubted since only two phylogenetic clusters were found
. Studies using RNA-PCR of Picea RNA extracted from either light- or dark-g
rown seedlings indicated that the steady-state levels of the transcripts of
two PHYA/C-related genes were hardly affected by light.