Mistreatment of the elderly is a growing problem that affects all segments
of society, regardless of socioeconomic status, living environment, or phys
ical or cognitive status. Its scope extends beyond the stereotype of a brui
sed and battered older person to include elderly victims of psychological o
r emotional harm, caregiver neglect or self-neglect, sexual abuse, exploita
tion, and fraudulent diversion of property.(1,3,7) Awareness of characteris
tic risk factors and physical findings can raise suspicion of mistreatment
and prompt an in-depth, multidisciplinary assessment. Most states require n
otification of Adult Protective Services or a corresponding state agency wh
en mistreatment is suspected. Once mistreatment is identified and the patie
nt's safety is ensured, prompt intervention to manage risk factors or to de
crease caregiver stress often can have a positive impact on the situation.