Measurements of volar (hand) pad area were made for 244 specimens, represen
ting 12 species and 4 genera of galagos (sub-family Galaginae). When correc
ted for body weight, statistically significant differences were identified,
at both the genus and species levels in the areas of the volar pads. Most
informative, in terms of taxonomic differences, were measurements of two of
the five pads; interdigital pad number 4 and thenar pad number 5. Closely
related species were distinguishable on the basis of these measurements. Th
e thick-tailed galago (Otolemur crassicaudatus) was separate from Garnett's
galago (O. garnettii) and the specific status of the silver greater galago
(O. argentatus) was supported. Likewise, the two needle-clawed galagos (Eu
oticus elegantulus and E. pallidus), recently separated on mitochondrial DN
A grounds, were found to differ significantly in their volar pad morphology
. These studies show that comparative studies of volar hand pad morphology
provide a novel approach to the re-assessment of galago taxonomy, and may b
e applicable also in taxonomic studies of other prosimian groups.