There is currently intense research interest in secondary plant metabolites
because of their potential preventative effects on the chronic diseases of
Western societies, especially cardiovascular disease and cancer. To date m
ost of the research has focused on the identification of plant-derived subs
tances and their potential protective effects against specific chronic dise
ases. The important issue of determining the optimal intake of those substa
nces, such that the beneficial effects are maximized without manifestation
of adverse effects, has yet to be addressed in most cases. Furthermore, the
re are no specific functional markers that can be used to assess optimal in
take, although it may be possible to use biomarkers such as serum cholester
ol if the rest of the diet is strictly controlled. The present review discu
sses a wide range of substances associated with plants, including dietary f
ibre, resistant starch, oligosaccharides, phyto-oestrogens, phytosterols, f
lavonoids, terpenes and isothiocyanates, and attempts where possible to ind
icate optimal intakes and to suggest functional markers.