This paper takes into consideration more than 100 apatite fission-track ana
lyses on samples coming from an approximately west-east cross-section throu
ghout the Northern Apennines. This collisional chain is made of structural
units and nappes (Ligurian and Tuscan Nappe) accreted to the Adriatic Forel
and during the Neogene, which overthrust the Miocene turbiditic successions
of the Cervarola and Mamoso-arenacea Formations. Different cooling ages an
d degrees of annealing delineate different evolution histories for these un
its. Exhumation of the western outcrops of the Ligurian Nappe can be placed
at 8 Ma and follows a first denudation event occurred in Eocene times. Tim
ing of exhumation decreases eastwards. A break in this general trend is sho
wn by the Apuan Alps, that occupy an intermediate position and yielded the
youngest cooling ages. In the external part of the Mamoso-arenacea foredeep
deposits this tendency could not be tested because total annealing of the
apatite system has not been reached. In this case, modeling of data allows
evaluating maximum burial temperatures.