Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is rapidly becoming a clinical and re
search tool in epilepsy. Animal studies have demonstrated metabolic abnorma
lities in the interictal and ictal state showing energy depletion and chang
es in neuronal compounds. Similarly, clinical studies have demonstrated con
sistent abnormalities involving energy (P-31) and cellular dependent (H-1)
compounds. Phosphorus MRS (P-31) shows lateralizing metabolic dysfunction i
n approximately 65-75 p. 100 of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (PCr/P
i). Proton MRS (H-1) using single-voxel or chemical shift imaging has demon
strated a high sensitivity in lateralizing temporal lobe epilepsy (65-96 p.
100) with bilateral changes seen in 35-45 p. 100 of patients. The role of
MRS in extra-temporal lobe epilepsy is less accurate because of the spatial
limitations of current techniques. Further advances in this field promise
to improve the clinical utility of MRS in epilepsy.