Chronic subdural haematomas are mainly related to slight or moderate head t
rauma with consecutive lesion of bridge or cortical veins and bleeding in t
he subdural space. Further predisposing factors are known impairment of coa
gulation (coagulopathies, treatment with anticoagulants, alcohol abuse), ri
sk factors for degenerative disease of the arteries (diabetes mellitus, art
erial hypertension), and development of pressure gradients (hydrocephalus,
epileptic seizures, lumbar puncture, CSF drainage and cerebral atrophy). Ch
ronic subdural haematomas appear bilaterally in 20 to 25% of cases.
We report on a 69-year-old male with a 4-day history of intermittent, proxi
mal, painless paraparesis (BMA grade M2-5) without a trigger event. Sensibi
lity was normal in all qualities and vigilance was not disturbed. Computed
tomography of the neurocranium revealed a bitemporally located chronic subd
ural haematoma with extension to parietal on both sides. Trepanation was pe
rformed over the tuber parietale and temporoparietally on both sides, with
release of 150 ml fluid. The neurologic deficits regressed totally within 1
2 hours postoperatively.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to describe the clinical par
adox of intermittent, painless paraparesis with preserved sensibility and w
ithout disturbances of vigilance, as manifestation of a chronic subdural ha
ematoma possibly leading to impairment of cerebral blood flow in the area o
f the middle cerebral artery. Small changes in systemic blood pressure lead
to changes in cerebral perfusion pressure due to vessel compression by the
haematoma, thus explaining the intermittent character of the clinical pres