Rheochloa scabiflora Filg., P.M. Peterson & Y. Herrera, gen, et sp, nov., i
s described and illustrated. The new species occurs in humid grasslands of
Municipio de Mineiros, Goias, Parque Nacional das Emas in central Brazil. I
t seems most closely allied with Dinebra but differs by its perennial habit
, inflorescences composed of 3-5 subdigitate racemes, short pedicellate spi
kelets, glabrous lemmas that are ciliolate on the apex, and fusiform caryop
ses with persistent style bases. Rheochloa is tentatively placed in subtrib
e Eragrostidinae of tribe Eragrostideae. So far, R. scabriflora is known on
ly from a single population located inside Parque Nacional das Emas (18 deg
rees 17'55 " S-52 degrees 43'79 " W).