301 patients underwent thyroid surgery in 1998 by using the intraoperative
neuromonitoring. The documentation was done prospectively. The system of in
traoperative neuromonitoring consists of a stimulation circuit and an elect
romyographic record. We placed the deriving electrode transligamentally thr
ough the cricothyroid membrane. By relaxometry we investigated the influenc
e of the relaxation level on the electromyographic record of the vocal musc
le. Using a standardized operative technique we found a side-related rate o
f primary palsy of 2.3 % (n = 13), from which 61.5 % (n = 8) showed to be o
nly temporary during a postoperative follow-up period. The intraoperative n
euromonitoring with the purpose of identification of the recurrent laryngea
l nerve is a safe and reliable method.