77 patients (29 men, 48 women) at the age of 17-51 years with depersonalisa
tion depression (DD) of nonpsychotic level with duration 6 months and longe
r. Such depressions were psychopathologically characterized by close connec
tion between affective and depersonalisating components of the syndrome. Th
e depressive component manifested with a mild hypothymia with dissociation
between subjective severity and ojbectice self-estimation, vulnerability to
provoking factors, inversion of somatic symptoms that permit to evaluate a
ffective disorders as "atypic depression" (according to DSM-IV). Peculiarit
ies of depersonalizating component were relatively low degree of the aliena
tion phenomena and their psychopathic (hysteric) colour. Personal status of
the patients before disease's manifestations was characterized by some sig
ns of accentuation of a self-consciousness sphere and corresponded to borde
rline disorders. The conclusion was made about the existence of a particula
r type of DD in which symptomecomplexes, relatively independent (affective
and depersonalisating), had a mutual affinity; so they united according to
mechanism of pathologic synergism. This type of depression is only one of v
ariants of DD.