Our study evaluates the correlation between dental and diabetes locus of co
ntrol beliefs and the potentiality of locus of control beliefs in predictin
g oral health behavior, dental status, diabetes compliance, and HbA(1c), le
vel by using situation-specific locus of control scales and considering the
value dimension. Data were collected by means of a quantitative questionna
ire, a clinical oral examination and patient records. The research populati
on comprised 149 insulin-dependent diabetics who had teeth of their own. Va
riables were the frequencies of tooth brushing and dental visiting, oral in
dexes, diabetes adherence, and HbA(1c) level. Dental and diabetes locus of
control beliefs correlated with each other. Dental locus of control associa
ted with frequency of dental visiting, plaque index, decayed surfaces, and
with root caries, but diabetes locus of control associated only weakly with
adherence with diabetes self-care regimens and not at all with HbA(1c) lev
el. Correlations between dental locus of control and oral indexes were stro
nger among those having high value for dental care. Although there were cor
relations between dental and diabetes locus of control beliefs, only dental
locus of control beliefs are practicable for determining health behavior a
nd health status. It is therefore concluded that locus of control beliefs a
re health behavior specific.