Large areas of cropland in Western Australia exhibit severe annual water re
pellency. Crop establishment is frustrated by the staggered emergence of pl
ants, despite significant amounts of rain falling prior to the desired time
of seeding. Three techniques were used to investigate improvements in barl
ey (Hordeum vulgare L.) establishment on a water-repellent sand: (i) sprayi
ng various rates of banded (2 cm wide) wetting agent while furrow seeding w
ith press wheels, (ii) seed placement either in a furrow or in the side of
a ridge, and (iii) compaction with press wheels or a Flexi-Coil land packer
. The application of wetting agent increased seedling emergence from 110 to
170 plants m(-2), dry matter production from 4.2 to 6.0 t ha(-1) and grain
yield from 1.96 to 2.60 t ha(-1), despite more weeds occurring with increa
sing rate of banded wetting agent. Use of press wheels, which also resulted
in a furrow solving condition, increased seedling emergence from 72 to 101
plants m(-2) and grain yield from 1.70 to 2.13 t ha(-1). In the absence of
heavy press wheel compaction, furrow sowing at 18-cm row spacings with ful
l soil disturbance had no effect on seedling emergence or grain yield. The
application of wetting agent increased topsoil wetting. Increased soil wett
ing may have increased plant nutrient availability (from fertilizer and soi
l), reduced soil water evaporation, and possibly reduced water loss to subs
oil on this duplex soil. The optimum degree of compaction required on water
-repellent soils is not known and needs further research.