Clinical manifestations of type IV collagen mutations can vary from th
e severe, clinically and genetically heterogeneous renal disorder, Alp
ort syndrome, to autosomal dominant familial benign hematuria. The pre
dominant form of Alport syndrome is X-linked; more than 160 different
mutations have yet been identified in the type IV collagen alpha 5 cha
in (COL4A5) gene, located at Xq22-24 head to head to the COL4A6 gene.
The autosomal recessive form of Alport syndrome is caused by mutations
in the COL4A3 and COL4A4 genes, located at 2q35-37, Recently, the fir
st mutation in the COL4A4 gene was identified in familial benign hemat
uria. This paper presents an overview of type IV collagen mutations, i
ncluding eight never COL4A5 mutations from our own group in patients w
ith Alport syndrome. The spectrum of mutations is broad and provides i
nsight into the clinical heterogeneity of Alport syndrome with respect
to age at renal failure and accompanying features such as dearness, l
eiomyomatosis, and anti-GBM nephritis. (C) 1991 Wiley-Liss, Inc.