NewLeaf potatoes could provide substantial ecological and economic benefits
to potato growers. A concern with NewLeaf potatoes, however, is that Color
ado potato beetle may develop resistance to the Bt endotoxin because of the
intense selection pressure imposed by its constant presence in the transge
nic crop. Before these cultivars were released, however, entomologists thro
ughout North America conducted biological research needed for a strategy to
prevent or delay resistance in Colorado potato beetle. This paper describe
s the considerations and research behind the proposed strategy. Because New
Leaf potatoes express a relatively constant and high concentration of Bt en
dotoxin throughout the foliage of each plant, reducing selection for resist
ance must come from planting standard potatoes as a refuge for susceptible
beetles. Avoiding resistance through random mixtures of NewLeaf and standar
d potatoes was evaluated in laboratory and field studies. The conclusion fr
om this research was that the seed mixture would not provide an effective r
efuge. The most effective alternative refuge was judged to be a block of st
andard potatoes planted in the same field as the NewLeaf potatoes. By allow
ing susceptible beetles to survive in their fields, potato growers might su
stain the benefits of very effective controls.