Introduction: The number of assays available for the measurement of total a
nd free PSA is increasing. As different methods can determine different PSA
concentrations as well as different free-to-total PSA ratios in identical
serum samples, the cut-offvalue for the ratio still needs to be determined.
Methods: 114 sera from patients with histologically confirmed benign prost
atic hyperplasia (BPH; n = 58) and cancer of the prostate (CaP; n = 56) wer
e analyzed with two different assays. Free PSA (free), total PSA (total) an
d the free-to-rotal- PSA ratio (ratio) were determined employing Enzym-Test
PSA und freies PSA (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany) and Immulite PSA und fre
ies PSA (DPC Biermann, Bad Nauheim, Germany) Results: The statistical resul
ts are tabulated below:
Conclusion: Direct comparison of the two assays revealed a high statistical
correlation (r = 0.94-0.99) for free and total PSA. In contrast, the ratio
of the two assays was not as reproducible (r = 0.81-0.83). This result ind
icates that the reference range for the ratio is dependent on the assay emp
loyed and an that uncritical use of an applied reference range can be count