Objectives: Recently tissue polypeptide specific antigen (TPS) a cytokerati
n 18 marker, was described to be discriminative between cancer of the prost
ate (CaP) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Cyfra 8/18, a marker whic
h recognizes both cytokeratin 8 and 18 fragments, is thought to improve sen
sitivity and specificity of TPS. In our study we investigated the ability o
f the TPS and cyfra 8/18 serum concentration to discriminate between patien
ts with clinically localized CaP and BPH. Methods: Serum levels of TPS and
Cyfra 8/18 were determined inpatients with untreated CaP (pT1-3pNoMo: n = 1
1) and BPH (n = 22). The TPS and the Cyfra 8/18 concentrations were correla
ted to the prostate specific antigen (PSA) serum concentration. Results: Me
dian TPS concentration was 45.3 U/L in CaP-patients and 54.8 U/L in BPH-pat
ients. This difference is statistically not significant (p = 0.2). Median C
yfra 8/18 level was 0.64 ng/mL in CaP-patients and 0.57 ng/mL in BPH-patien
ts. This difference is statistically not significant (p = 0.91). Furthermor
e no correlation with PSA levels could be established (TPS: r = -0.13; Cyfr
a 8/18: r = 0.17). Conclusion: In contrast to recent reports we found both
cytokeratin markers, TPS as well as Cyfra 8/18, to he non-discriminative pa
rameters in CaP and BPH.