Recent advances in the field of communication sciences have led to the desc
ription of acquired communication disorders affecting pragmatic skills in p
atients with brain damage. The present article discusses the impact of such
findings on the clinical concept of aphasia. Through reference to a number
of articles contained in this Special Issue, it must be reiterated that pr
agmatic and other linguistic components of communication abilities are two
sides of a same coin-that of language-and intimately interrelated. It is al
so argued that the difference between traditional (e.g., syntax) and pragma
tic components of language cannot be explained in simple terms such as the
former being subserved only by linguistic processes and the latter by other
cognitive processes. Pragmatic components are thus to be considered as par
t of language. The evolution of the concept of language has a direct impact
on the clinical concept of aphasia. Indeed, if aphasia corresponds to an a
cquired impairment of language, then pragmatic impairments must be consider
ed part of aphasia. The inclusion of pragmatic impairments in the concept o
f aphasia does not hold only when they occur within the frame of classic ty
pes of aphasia, but also when they occur in isolation. Consequently, a new
type of aphasia-pragmatic aphasia-should be considered and defined in order
to describe the clinical condition of those individuals suffering from acq
uired pragmatic disorders as those reported among right-hemisphere-damaged
right-handers. It is concluded that the recent evolution around the concept
of language should be followed by an evolution of the concept of aphasia p
er se. (C) 1999 Academic Press.