One hundred fifty-six unrelated healthy South Indian subjects were phenotyp
ed according to their ability to metabolize dextromethorphan to its O-demet
hylated metabolite dextrorphan, Each volunteer was administered 25 mg oral
dextromethorphan hydrobromide (19.3 mg dextromethorphan). Urine was collect
ed during an 8-hour period after drug administration and was analyzed for d
extromethorphan and dextrorphan by HPLC with fluorescence detection. This a
nalysis was performed with and without previous deconjugation. The log(10)
(metabolic ratio), calculated as the ratio of dextromethorphan to dextrorph
an, was bimodally distributed, and it was inferred that the frequency of oc
currence of poor metabolizers of dextromethorphan in South Indian subjects
is 3.2%, Phenotype assignment remained the same with both methods of analys
is. Furthermore, a fairly good correlation (Spearman rank order correlation
coefficient [r(s)] = 0.61; P <.0001) was observed between the log-transfor
med metabolic ratio derived from both methods.