Theoretical analysis of the dynamic susceptibility and the signal-to-noise
ratio for a moderately concentrated suspension of uniaxial monodomain spher
ical ferroparticles in a solid matrix was performed. It was suggested that
the axes of a weak particle magnetization are oriented in one direction and
the alternating external magnetic field is parallel to these axes. Magneto
dipole interaction of ferroparticles was accounted for by the successive pe
rturbation theory. The effect of this interaction on dynamic response funct
ions corresponding to the external field frequency and a multiple frequency
was estimated. It was concluded that the Debye pattern of initial suscepti
bility disappears as a result of interparticle interactions. Temperature de
pendences of the components of the dynamic susceptibility and the signal-to
-noise ratio pass through maxima; temperatures corresponding to these maxim
a increase with the parameters of magnetodipole particle interactions.