We examine the effect of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) on m
igrants' wages using data gathered in 39 Mexican communities and their U.S.
destination areas. We examine changes in the determinants of wages before
and after the passage of IRCA, as well as the effects of its massive legali
zation program. Migrants' wages deteriorated steadily between 1970 and 1995
, but IRCA did not foment discrimination against Mexican workers per se. Ra
ther, it appears to have encouraged greater discrimination against undocume
nted migrants, with employers passing the costs and risks of unauthorized h
iring on to the workers. Although available data do not permit us to elimin
ate competing explanations entirely, limited controls suggest that the post
-IRCA wage penalty against undocumented migrants did not stem from an expan
sion of the immigrant labor supply, an increase in the use of labor subcont
racting, or a deterioration of the U.S, labor market.