Qj. Fu et Rv. Shannon, Effects of electrode location and spacing on phoneme recognition with the nucleus-22 cochlear implant, EAR HEAR, 20(4), 1999, pp. 321-331
Objective: The objective of this paper was to determine how phoneme identif
ication was affected by the cochlear location and spacing of the electrodes
in cochlear implant listeners.
Design: Subjects were initially programmed with the full complement of 20 a
ctive electrodes, in which each electrode was assigned to represent the out
put of one filter in the normal SPEAK processor. In the present study sever
al four-electrode processors were constructed by assigning the output of mo
re than one filter to a single electrode. In all conditions speech sounds w
ere still analyzed into 20 frequency bands and processed according to the u
sual SPEAK processing strategy, but the location and spacing of the four st
imulated electrode pairs were varied systematically. In Experiment I, the s
pacing between stimulated electrodes was fixed at 3.75 mm and the cochlear
location of the four electrode pairs was shifted from the most-apical posit
ion up to 3.0 mm toward the base in 0.75 mm steps. In Experiment II, the sp
atial separation between the four electrode pairs (each bipolar-plus-one) w
as systematically changed from 1.5 mm to 4.5 mm while holding the most apic
al active electrode fixed. In Experiment III, the spacing of active electro
des was varied to represent equal tonotopic spacing to equal linear frequen
cy intervals between pairs. Recognition of medial vowels and consonants was
measured in three subjects with these custom four-electrode speech process
Results: In Experiment I, results showed that both vowel and consonant reco
gnition were best when the electrodes were in the most apical locations. In
Experiment II, best speech recognition occurred when electrode pairs were
separated by 3 to 3.75 mm. In Experiment III, both vowel and consonant reco
gnition scores decreased when the spacing of electrode pairs was changed fr
om equal tonotopic spacing to equal linear frequency intervals. Overall, vo
wel and consonant recognition were best at the most apical electrode locati
ons and when the spacing of electrodes matched the frequency intervals of t
he analysis filters. Consonant recognition was relatively robust to alterat
ions in electrode location and spacing. The best vowel scores with four-ele
ctrode speech processors were about 10 percentage lower than scores obtaine
d with the full 20-electrode speech processors. However, the best consonant
scores with four-electrode speech processors were similar to those obtaine
d with the full 20-electrode speech processors. Information transmission an
alysis revealed that temporal envelope cues (voicing and manner) were not s
trongly affected by changes in electrode location and spacing, whereas spec
tral cues, as represented by vowel recognition and consonantal place of art
iculation, were strongly affected. Both spectral and temporal phoneme cues
were strongly affected by the degree of tonotopic warping, created by alter
ing both the location and spacing of the activated electrodes.
Conclusion: The cochlear location and spacing of the activated electrodes h
ad a clear effect on phoneme recognition. Temporal cues were less affected
by tonotopic shifts or linear tonotopic stretching or shrinking, but were s
usceptible to nonlinear tonotopic warping. Spectral cues were sensitive to
all tonotopic manipulations: shifting, linear stretching, and nonlinear war
ping. However, the present experiments could not differentiate whether the
optimal mapping between analysis frequency bands and stimulation electrodes
was determined by the normal acoustic tonotopic pattern or by the pattern
learned from experience with the 20-electrode implant.