The objective of this research was to analyse, predict and control the poro
sity in titanium dental castings lay the use of numerical simulation. A com
mercial software package (MAGMASOFT) was used. In the first part of the stu
dy, a model casting (two simplified tooth crowns connected by a connector b
ar) was simulated to analyse shrinkage porosity. Secondly, gas pores were n
umerically examined by means of a ball specimen with a "snake" sprue. The n
umerical simulation results were compared with the experimental casting res
ults, which were made on a centrifugal casting machine. The predicted shrin
kage levels coincided well with the experimentally determined levels. Based
on the above numerical analyses, an optimised running and gating system de
sign for the crown model was proposed. The numerical filling and solidifica
tion results of the ball specimen showed that this simulation model could b
e helpful for the explanation of the experimentally indicated gas pores. It
was concluded that shrinkage porosity in titanium dental casting was predi
ctable, and it could be minimised by improving the running and gating syste
m design. Entrapped gas pores can be explained from the simulation results
of the mould filling and solidification.