The basaltic Rajmahal Traps (117 Ma), India are believed to be due to a man
tle plume. The plausible plume path on the continental side has not been tr
aced probably because of the thick sedimentary cover. These Traps are locat
ed close to the Bengal basin; therefore, a re-examination of the deep seism
ic velocity structure should help in tracing the plume path on the continen
tal side and its possible relationship to plume activity. Data obtained alo
ng four seismic profiles in the Bengal basin were re-examined, which helped
in identifying and modeling strong reflections from lower crust and Moho.
The results indicate a 7.5 km/s velocity zone as an underplated mantle mate
rial injected by the mantle plume or hotspot at the base of the continental
crust. The study also indicates the probable trace of plume in the contine
ntal region, a NNW-SSE trending path east of 87 degrees E with an up-warp i
n Moho.