An ocean bottom seismographic (OBS) experiment was carried out to investiga
te the present-day tectonics at the northern end of the Havre Trough, a bac
karc basin in the southwestern Pacific. Hypocenter distribution shows no se
ismicity within 50 km of the OBS array but two active regions outside the T
rough; one is to the northeast of the array at a bathymetric high between t
he Lau Basin and Havre Trough; the other is to the southeast of the array b
eneath the landward slope of the Kermadec Trench. P wavespeed structure obt
ained from the refraction survey is characterized by a thinned island are c
rust with a thickness of 9-10 km. Many volcanic intrusions shown in reflect
ion profiles that support extension tectonics are covered by undisturbed se
diments. These suggest little present activity related to rifting and/or sp