Glycation of bovine serum albumin by D-glucose and D-fructose under dry-hea
ting conditions was studied. The reactivities of D-glucose and D-fructose,
with respect to their ability to utilize primary amino groups of proteins,
to cross-link proteins, to develop Maillard fluorescence, and to reduce pro
tein solubility in the presence and absence of air (molecular oxygen) were
investigated. D-Glucose showed a higher initial rate of utilization of prim
ary amino groups than D-fructose, both in the presence and in the absence o
f oxygen. Subsequent reactions of the Amadori and Heyns rearrangement produ
cts, cross-linking, development of Maillard fluorescence, oxidation, and fr
agmentation, indicated that the alpha-hydroxy carbonyl group of Amadori pro
ducts is more reactive than the aldehydo group of Heyns products. D-Fructos
e showed a greater sensitivity than D-glucose toward the presence of oxygen
at the initial stages of the Maillard reaction. The presence or absence of
oxygen in the glycation mixture did not seem to have an influence on the n
ature of products generated in the glycation mixtures during the advanced s
tages of the Maillard reaction.