In organic soils commonly found in cold regions, many compounds with simila
r characteristics are found in petroleum contamination and natural or ganic
material (NOM). These similarities make it difficult to distinguish betwee
n natural compounds and true contamination using standard test methods. "Bi
ogenic interference" is the term used to describe the NOM quantified as "pe
troleum" during a standard test for soil contamination. The inability to di
fferentiate between biogenic interference and soil contamination is of conc
ern because it can cause cleanup standards to be set at lower limits than t
he actual contamination warrants. This paper presents the results from over
200 uncontaminated soil samples that were analyzed to determine the magnit
ude and variability of biogenic interference in soils from cold regions. St
udies were conducted to evaluate the correlation between fundamental physic
al/chemical properties of soil and extractable NOM levels. Samples were als
o collected and analyzed to evaluate spatial (vertical and horizontal) vari
ations in background extractable NOM at one site. A final set of samples wa
s analyzed to determine the range of background extractable NOM levels at u
ncontaminated sites throughout Alaska. The results show that uncontaminated
soil from across Alaska can contain several hundred to several thousand mg
/kg of extractable naturally occurring diesel and residual range organics.
A high degree of variability was observed in the amount of extractable NOM
at different sites across Alaska and within a single site.