Information about pain in children with cognitive impairment is lacking. To
gather pain-relevant information in this population, parents of 145 childr
en with borderline to profound cognitive impairment were interviewed regard
ing their children's pain expression, experience, treatment, and coping beh
avior. Descriptions of pain expression and coping behavior were associated
with the level of cognitive impairment. Children with mild to moderate cogn
itive impairment were more likely to be described as directly communicating
their pain and exhibiting procedural coping strategies similar to those ob
served in children without cognitive impairments. More than half of the par
ents reported that their children experienced pain differently than did chi
ldren without cognitive impairment, with the majority perceiving decreased
pain sensitivity and greater pain tolerance. Finally, one third of parents
felt that their children's pain was treated differently than that of other
children. Half of these parents believed that health care providers had dif
ficulties assessing and treating their children's pain. Results contribute
to the developing foundation of information about pain in this special pedi
atric population.